
Forgiveness and healing after an abortion

Forgiveness and healing after an abortion

As a former Protestant who had never experienced the healing and forgiveness offered in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, it is difficult to express how privileged I feel to now have access to this incredible sacrament of healing.

 Some years ago, while preparing to be received into full communion with the Church, the time came for my “dreaded first confession.”  At least that is how I thought of it.  In fact, there was one thing in particular I dreaded to confess; the abortion my wife and I had some 17 years previously.  I had not understood why the pain would not go away, even though I had repented of  it publicly and privately many times. 

The Lord will tell you what to say, if you ask

The Lord will tell you what to say, if you ask

A few years ago when preparing to receive the sacrament of reconciliation I ask the Lord to help me prepare my heart and soul for Him and if I had any sins that I did not recognize that the Holy Spirit would reveal them. I prayed in the morning at home, in the car, and entering the church but nothing seem to be coming to my mind.

As I walked up the stairs to the church I stopped suddenly and the Lord showed me something from my life.