The Lord will tell you what to say, if you ask

A few years ago, when preparing to receive the sacrament of reconciliation, I asked the Lord to help me prepare my heart and soul for Him… and if I had any sins that I did not recognize, that the Holy Spirit would reveal them. I prayed in the morning at home, in the car, and entering the church but nothing seem to be coming to my mind.

But as I walked up the stairs to the church I stopped suddenly and the Lord showed me something from my life.  As I stood on the steps , in my mind I could see myself hiding under the bed, crying, and shamed by what my Grandmother had said. I was five years old, and to this day I couldn’t tell you her exact words, but I remembered  the shame and humiliation. I also was reminded that I always called her my mean grandmother, even through my adult life.  I just couldn’t see her goodness.  As I entered the confessional I was crying and told the priest what the Lord had brought to my mind. That day was the day I forgave my Grandmother and asked forgiveness for placing a judgment on her. The priest gave me reconciliation and I left the confessional.  As I knelt before the blessed sacrament in church, I was flooded with beautiful memories of my grandmother from childhood . To this day, the thoughts of my Grandmother bring me great joy.  This was a beautiful healing for me and my Grandmother. God rest her soul!

—Jean, Winona